My Story

I’ve been in children’s television my entire professional life, beginning in my teens when I starred in role of Tom Edison on the Nelvana-CBC-Disney series The Edison Twins. Since then I’ve developed and co-developed multiple series (Riley Rocket, Ranger Rob, Super Wings, The Remarkable Mr. King, Kiki & Nuna, The Moblees, Where Oliver Fits) and story edited, written and appeared in hundreds of hours of children’s programming.

In my 35+ years in the business I’ve had the honour of working with the smartest, most creative and joy-filled people anyone could ever hope to meet. That has been the privilege of a lifetime, because here’s the thing…

To create entertaining and meaningful content for children, collaboration is everything.

I’ve been fortunate to have incredible creative partners, producers, directors, co-editors, co-writers, writers, book authors, composers, illustrators and mentors in Canada (where I’m based) and around the world in The United States, Asia and Europe.

For the theatre, I’m the co-author and lyricist of the stage musical NAPOLEON which has had 7 productions in 4 languages.

Copyright © 2024-Present Andrew Sabiston